RA Monitors

The electro-acoustics division of Reflexion Arts was founded (in the UK, in 1984) with the specific intention of designing and constructing recording studios and monitor systems to very high standards of performance. From 1987, investigations were sponsored at The Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) in Southampton, which continued long after the company moved to Iberia in 1991. Many of the findings from the research have been published in the literature of bodies such as the Institute of Acoustics and The Audio Engineering Society.

The concept behind the designs was to eliminate as many as possible of the confusing characteristics which lead to uncertainty when using loudspeakers in studios. The systems are intended to show to the recording engineers and musicians what is actually on a recording. The Reflexion Arts loudspeakers are designed to reproduce the full range of sounds, but without any enhancement, such that good recordings will sound good, and bad ones will sound bad. Making all music sound pleasant is a task for domestic loudspeakers, which are there to be enjoyed, but it is not a desirable characteristic for serious monitoring loudspeakers.

Reflexion Arts loudspeakers are to be found around the world in studios for both music and cinema, wherever the highest performance standards are required. They have been developed by a combination of recording engineers, scientists, music producers and electro-acoustics engineers, so that the science never loses sight of the art, or vice versa. They are designed to do their job; which is to give the studios what they need.