Planta Sónica 2 Studio
Vigo, Spain, (2010)
Planta Sónica 2 is the name chosen in honor of the studio that was considered, in the 80s by the British press, as one of the 10 best studios in Spain, which was located in Vigo and closed its doors because of a terrible and fatal flooding late 90s. Retrieving former Area Master studio facilities in Estrada Camposancos, 113 in Vigo, under the guidance of producer and sound engineer Pancho Suarez, extensive renovation of the acoustic treatment and of the audio and electrical installation was carried out in collaboration with Reflexion Arts, designers and builders of the original space in 1997. On the front wall of the control room, a pair of Reflexion Arts 234 monitors and their respective amplifiers RA Studio II, manufactured exclusively for Reflexion Arts by Neva Audio in Russia is flush mounted on the wall.
The recording room, is the largest of the rooms being, at once, the space acoustically more complex. However, it is equipped with acoustic screens that provide great variability of environments and separation between instruments. The room could be considered a “live end-dead end” because each end of the room has a markedly different sonic character.
The stone room, has a diaphragmatic ceiling that moves with the low frequencies, functioning as a trap to absorbe those. The walls are lined with a layer of stone between 8 and 10 cm, forming a kind of diffuser of large dimensions, with a rather irregular geometry.
The complex also includes 3 rehearsal rooms lined with absorbent materials and diaphragmatic ceilings, which by their rigid construction with concrete blocks filled with sand, provide excellent insulation between them.