Martin Buttrich Studio

Martin Buttrich Studio

Barcelona, Spain, (2014)

This studio was originally designed and built for Lucien Nicolet, under the name Imagine Sound. A year later the whole set up was moved to the new Imagine Sound studio, being built  in Switzerland , so the facilities of Barcelona were rented by producer Martin Buttrich. Equipment list not available
Located in Barcelona, it was designed by Julius Newell and built by a team from Reflexion Arts between 20 January and 7 March 2014.

Estudio de Martin Buttrich

The studio consists of a very extensive control-room, a machine-room, where the noisy equipment are located and a multi-use on the top floor. The control-room was originally equipped with a monitor system by Reflexion Arts: 2 x RA 239 on top of 2 x RA BX1. In fact it is the first time we ever installed 18″ subs in a studio exclusively dedicated to music, the reason being that the owner is a DJ/Producer of electronic music. This studio saw the premiere of the new version of the RA Studio II MKII amps, which Neva Audio manufactures in Russia, exclusively for Reflexion Arts.

Estudio Imagine Sound

The rooms may change color, to suit the operator, as walls are covered with an acoustically transparent fabric capable of reflecting light from the LED strips located between the specially designed dado rails.

Estudio Martin Buttrich