Antelope Audio

Antelope Audio, founded by Igor Levin, has a solid experience of more than 20 years manufacturing digital audio equipment.

With a successful combination of digital and analog technology, the company offers to engineers and sound professionals the necessary tools that gather the power of digital audio without sacrificing the warmth of analog equipment. This brand was pioneer in the adoption of atomic clock generators to process the clock signals of their machines and, with the implementation of AFC (Acoustically Focused Clocking) technology they offer one of the most reliable synchronization systems for recording studios. Antelope Audio revolutionized the market for audio interfaces with equipment with up to 32 analog channels without sacrificing the quality of signal processing.

Antelope Audio offers high-definition sound in its equipment that in addition to multiple connection options, micro pre-amps and AD / DA converters, integrate very easily with the most commonly used recording softwares

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