Reflexion Arts are recognised world leaders in acoustics, consultancy and installation.
One of the main characteristics found in studios designed by Philip Newell, has always been the use of stone in the rooms. All started in the beginning of 79 at Town House Studios, a part of Richard Branson’s Virgin Group of Studios (UK).
From the year 1990 onwards, a new type of studio monitors, under the brand of Reflexion Arts, introduced some very special and innovative features:
- For the first time an axis symmetrical horn was being used (the original AX2 horn developed by Dr. Keith Holland and Philip Newell at the I.S.V.R.) coupled to a TAD TD2001 compression driver, vertically aligned above one or between two JBL2235H 15” cone drivers. These monitor speakers present a wide frequency response (20Hz – 22kHz, +0;-3dB) and a superior phase response.
- The relation ship developed among Philip Newel, Reflexion Arts and Branko Neskov, an highly respected serbian cinema mixing engineer, led to the first incursions in the cinema industry. Since, several Dolby approved mixing theatres have been built.
Philip Newell and Reflexion Arts also completed a few important jobs in clubs and disco venues, all as a result of the enormous success reached when designing Terminal X, in Portugal (for many years sought as the discoteque with the best acoustics ever built in the country), now closed down.
Check below some of our last innovative work, and some of the recording and performance spaces we have created all over Europe: